Ep.#08 – What is the Difference between Internship and Job?

March 18, 2021

Rohit Singla

In this episode #08 of "The Career Talk Show" Podcast, I have talked about "Difference Between Job & Internship".


Many youngsters who are either studying in a college or are seeking jobs want to know the core difference between a job and an Internship.

I have gone a little deep into explaining the difference between these two.

This is a question that is very common among many college students and job seekers.

They just want to know What is the difference between an Internship and Job? And what should they choose?

Many students are so much confusion between these two terms; Internship and Job.

If you are someone who is a college student, or someone who wants to know how you can make yourself career-ready and land your next dream job using the right internships in your career.

Difference between Internship and Job

Even in my college days, I had this question in my mind.

There were people who used to say that they are doing some internships.

Some used to say that they are doing some training.

And some used to say, they are doing the job.

And I was like - What the heck are these terms all about?




Are all of them same or different?

I was more curious to know the difference between internship and job because many were doing these two only.

Listen to this episode to learn more and enjoy.

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If you have any questions or have any thoughts regarding this podcast or anything that I can help you with, just mail me at thecareertalkpodcast@gmail.com.

I would be more than happy to help you in your journey.

Wish you all the very best.

To Your Success,

Rohit Singla.

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